Board accountability

At BlueShore Financial, we recognize the importance of adhering to high corporate governance standards.

Directors are expected to act in a manner that protects and enhances the value of the credit union in the interest of all members. Each Director is responsible for exercising independent judgment, with honesty and integrity, while adhering to Board policies and procedures, statutory and regulatory compliance requirements.

Finding the right people is a key responsibility of the Nomination & Election Committee of the Board; a clearly defined set of criteria, including diversity considerations, is used when considering potential candidates.

In broad terms, the Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the direction of BlueShore Financial, in keeping with the credit union's rules. While retaining oversight responsibility, the Board delegates responsibility for management of the credit union to the President and CEO.

The Board of Directors consists of nine Directors. Directors are elected for three year terms. For the purposes of ongoing renewal, the term of office of three Directors expires each year.

Board nominations: choosing the best people

The Nominations & Election Committee of the Board takes a proactive role in determining the skills, strengths, and qualifications needed to serve on BlueShore Financial’s Board.

The process starts by reviewing the general qualifications for a strong board member and determining any gaps within the Board that may exist in specific areas of expertise, or in diversity. Directors are expected to bring to the Board a broad range of knowledge and depth of experience, support the values of the Credit Union, and have fundamental understanding of their role and responsibility to the Credit Union. 

The general qualifications and specific qualifications desired for the upcoming election year are communicated in the Nominations and Election Guidelines annually. Good board governance requires continuity, and this is also a consideration each year. Candidates must have the ability to meet the time commitment required of an active and engaged Director (a minimum of 40 hours per quarter).

Candidates may be interviewed to determine their motivation and competencies, and are rated against the required qualifications. Each year members are provided with information about the candidates, including their own written statements and a summary of their background information.

2024 Call for Nominations to the Board of Directors

The BlueShore Financial 2024 Call for Nominations is now closed.


Of the nine director positions at BlueShore Financial, there are three vacancies for 2024, each for three-year terms.

Nominees must be members in good standing of BlueShore Financial as at the Close of Nominations. Therefore, nominees for 2024 must have held the requisite number of Class A Membership Shares and not be more than sixty (60) days delinquent in any obligation to the Credit Union as at 5:00pm on Friday, November 10, 2023. 

In addition, nominees need to possess a significant part of the "Specific and General Qualifications" as shown in the 2024 Nominations and Election Guidelines.

The successful candidates will be announced at the 2024 Annual General Meeting.

If you are interested in learning more about what’s involved in becoming a BlueShore Director for future years, please review the 2024 Nominations and Election Guidelines package for reference.

If you require further information, please contact:

Governance Department
BlueShore Financial
Direct Telephone: 604.983.4532

Elections & AGM

Attending our Annual General Meeting is always a great way to learn more about your credit union and hear from your Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team.  Hear about BlueShore Financial’s achievements during the past year, changes made to support and better meet the needs of our members, and future plans for growth and enhanced services.

A woman looking at her laptop sitting at a desk in her home.

Join us at BlueShore's 2024 AGM

The 2024 BlueShore Financial AGM will be held virtually. Unique member login credentials and instructions will be mailed or emailed In advance. 

Guests are welcome.


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Josh Fiorvento
Financial Advisor
Mutual Funds Investment Specialist

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