Losing your biggest asset shouldn't mean losing your business

  • Provides working capital in the event of a key person's death
  • Help you meet ongoing obligations while recruiting or training a replacement

Maintain operations

While no amount of money can compensate for the loss of a critical employee, key person life insurance can provide the company with enough working capital to keep operating while funding the recruitment and training of a replacement.

If the key person can't be replaced, the insurance can be used to compensate other business owners for lost income and buy time to make decisions about the company's future. These choices are particularly challenging for smaller companies operating as partnerships or sole proprietorships.

Explore your key options

A business is eligible to buy the same types of life insurance an individual can buy. Term life is attractive because the key person's employment is expected to end by retirement. It's also less expensive. Key person disability insurance is also something to look at.

Whole life policies are worth considering because they can be liquidated in the event the key person leaves the company without dying. These policies also build equity as long as you pay into them and can be considered an asset.

Every company is unique and needs special consideration. Your business advisor can put you in touch with the insurance specialist who is part of your business advisory team.

The right advice makes all the difference

As with any decision regarding your business, speak with your business advisor to make sure your decisions are well-informed and aligned with your overall plan.

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Andre Guillemette
Wealth Protection Specialist

Our team of experienced professionals are here to answer any questions you may have.