BlueShore Financial's corporate citizenship takes a long view on our place in the community and the impact we have as an organization. It's a genuine, long-term commitment to operate in a way that is responsible to our people and our planet and is an integral part of our culture and values.

Couple in west coast forest

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Learn how we invest in people and communities.

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Financial support of our communities

We are an Imagine Canada Caring Company. This means we donate a minimum of 1% of our pre-tax profits to community donations and sponsorships, and follow best practices laid out by the national charitable organization, Imagine Canada. While the minimum is 1%, we typically exceed that annually. Learn more about some of the organizations we support.

Donating our time

Perhaps even more significant than donating dollars, BlueShore Financial partners with the organizations it supports. The partnerships often take the form of staff donating their time to one-time fundraising events and serving on boards and committees.

We promote staff volunteerism through our "Making Waves" program, which provides employees with one paid day off per year to volunteer for their chosen cause. Each employee who reaches a threshold of volunteer hours receives a donation for the charitable organization of their choice.

Our team members also regularly donate their time to BlueShore Financial sponsored events including community runs and cultural events and performances.

Environmental sustainability

We are committed to incorporating sustainable initiatives into our business and operational practices wherever possible. 

We incorporate green practices into our Financial Spa® locations including window blinds and ceiling tiles made with recycled materials. We incorporate energy-efficient computers, servers and LED monitors into all office spaces. 

To do our part in easing traffic congestion and promote environmental wellness, we offer transit subsidies for staff, dedicated carpool parking spots and a loan benefit program for bike or e-bike purchases.

BlueShore Financial is also a founding sponsor of the LEED certified BlueShore Financial Environmental Learning Centre in Squamish. The building is located at the North Vancouver School District's Cheakamus Centre, (formerly the North Vancouver Outdoor School), which hosts programming intended to teach youth about respecting and appreciating the environment

Responsible investing products

BlueShore Financial advisors are able to make a number of options available to investors wishing to use Responsible Investing (RI) for their investment portfolios. One option uses our investment partner Aviso’s discretionary management program, OnPoint Managed Portfolios. Clients can select asset managers that not only utilize Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) analysis as part of their RI screening, but also asset managers that specialize specifically in ESG and the exclusion of companies that are primarily engaged in the extraction, production and distribution of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. A second option utilizes RI capabilities of research providers, such as Refinitiv, to build a customized a discretionary portfolio.

Additionally, through our relationship with NEI, a leader in defining, shaping and integrating Responsible Investing in Canada, there are a number of mutual funds that include ESG analysis that determine how energy companies are responding to climate change through shareholder action and dialogue on:

  • Improving disclosure on GHG reduction policies and performance
  • Reducing GHG emissions and finding innovative solutions to lower their footprint
  • Adaptation to address risks created by climate change that can no longer be avoided
  • Public support for the development of effective climate policy

These are just a few examples of choices BlueShore clients have when it comes to RI and fossil-free investing.

Corporate governance

As a member-owned organization, we are committed to excellence in corporate governance. We are open and accountable to our member/owners, and adhere to corporate governance practices that reflect the highest level or oversight, independence and accountability.

BlueShore Financial is governed by a nine-person Board of Directors who possess a targeted mix of skills and experience, as well as diverse backgrounds to help guide our strategic success.

Annual CSR Report

To learn more about BlueShore Financial’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility and the actions we took in the past year, download and read our latest report.

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Jordana Shier
Financial Advisor
Mutual Funds Investment Specialist

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