A quick and easy way to build savings
BlueShore Financial has launched a new program to allow clients to set money aside into a savings account each time they make purchases from a chequing account with their debit card. “Grow Your Savings” is a quick and easy way to build savings while spending.
Clients with a BlueShore personal chequing account can start stashing away savings by rounding up transactions on each purchase made with a BlueShore Access debit card. When purchases are made, the transaction can be rounded to the nearest $1, $5, or $10 amount, as chosen by the client.
Set aside savings for another person
Grow Your Savings can also be used to set aside savings for another person (such as a child or another loved one). There are no additional fees on transactions and transfers with the program.
How to activate
To activate the Grow Your Savings program, clients will need to speak with a BlueShore Associate. Activating the program is not currently available through Online Banking.
Get started
Grow Your Savings is a great way to turn spending into savings. There are three simple ways to sign up for the Grow Your Savings program:
- Contact our Solution Centre at 604.982.8000 (toll-free: 1.888.713.6728)
- Visit your BlueShore Financial branch
- Request a callback from a Solution Centre Associate using our contact form